Michael Stackpole2000 – Del Rey25 years after The Battle of YavinSite Rating =
SPOILER ALERT: This Will Spoil The Plot of the Book!
It has been two months since the Battle of Helska 4, and Leia Organa Solo, along with Danni Quee have informed Fey’lya and the New Republic Senate about the threat the Yuuzhan Vong present to the galaxy. Unfortunately, her information is met with deaf ears and she is told that her efforts are not needed. An old ally, the Caamasi delegate named Elegos A’Kla, takes interest in her story and agrees to help.
Gavin Darklighter, the current leader of Rogue Squadron, engages in a simulated attack against a Yuuzhan Vong coralskipper. He doesn’t last long, but learns he actually set a record! Admiral Traest Kre’fey tells him that he along with many members of the military agree with Leia’s theories and would like Rogue Squadron to patrol the outer rim area.
Han Solo, still suffering from the lost of his best friend Chewbacca, asks Elegos if the Caamasi have any means by which to forget intense memories. He details the final gory details of Chewbacca’s life. Elegos tries to alleviate Han’s guilt, but only angers him. Han sulks off any attempts to help him including Leia’s.
On Yavin 4, Luke Skywalker has requested that all Jedi return for a meeting. He wants to coordinate missions with them to help learn of any Yuuzhan Vong efforts that may be going on. He calls on Kyp Durron, who tells the group that he was not able to sense the Vong through the Force which unnerves many of those present. Kyp leads a sector of the Jedi that would rather take action than be reduced to defenders as Luke has suggested. Luke senses that Kyp is once again coming near to the Dark Side of the Force.
Luke tells them to prepare for missions that some may not survive. The New Republic may not have decided what to do with the Jedi, but Luke feels there is little time to wait for their blessing. Luke assigns Anakin Solo to accompany Mara Jade Skywalker to Dantooine while she continues to recover. He views it as a punishment for Chewbacca, but Luke persuades him that it is because he trusts her with him. Jacen Solo tells his uncle that he is questioning his calling as a Jedi Knight. He wants to do some introspection and look for other answers. Luke denies his request for now, but asks Jacen to join him on a mission to Belkadan to uncover what Yomin Carr had been working on previously. Finally, Jedi Knights Corran Horn and Ganner Rhysode are assigned to investigate the disappearance of an archeological crew on Bimmiel, a planet that was once deemed off limits by the Empire. The two have opposing views of the Force (similar to Luke and Kyp).
Luke meets with Mara before they leave. She’s been feeling better, but is still sick. He hopes that Anakin will be able to do some scouting around in the area if anything should come up.
Leia, Jaina, Danni Quee, and Elegos arrive to address the leaders of Agamar in hopes of getting their assistance in the Outer Rim areas. Danni tells the council of her encounter with the Yuuzhan Vong. She tells them they are vicious, brutal beings that use organic technology in their weaponry and defense. There is also still no motive for the attacks. They are greeted warmly by the council and they agree to consider the request.
Meanwhile on Bimmiel, Corran and Ganner notice that a satellite around the planet is damaged so that no transmissions can be sent out. They find the remains of a tattered camp are all that is left from the missing university team and sense little life in the area. Suddenly they are attacked by slashrats that spring forward from the mounds of sand that cover the planet. Corran kills them with his lightsaber, but many more follow. They flee, but are eventually aided by some strangers that help with covering fire as they head towards a cave.
On Dantooine, Anakin has been using the Force to do all his chores. Mara scolds him and tells him that he should be doing some real work (like carrying things himself). She asks him if he sees his uncle doing things like this. She tells him he is screaming at the Force instead of allowing the Force to whisper to him things he has not yet learned. By not using the Force he learns more about himself and more about those he will face that do not use the Force.
On Bimmiel, the strangers that Corran and Ganner meet are indeed the team they were looking for. They lead them deep inside a cave to their camp. The team has actually discovered the remains of a Yuuzhan Vong that was on the planet at least 40-50 years earlier, meaning the Vong has been looking in on this galaxy for a while now.
Luke and Jacen get a closer look at the destruction on Belkadan caused by Yomin Carr and the Vong. The remains of the base tell them that the Yuuzhan Vong do not appreciate their technology. They come across a group of slaves that are being held in check by some sort of bone material covering them that acts almost like a restraining bolt. They also determine that the remnants of the Vong infestation are coralskippers being grown! A slave slips into the water, and a warrior savagely kills him. Jacen wants to free the slaves, but Luke tells him that they must wait.
Leia arrives at Dubrillion, but the planet is nearly destroyed. She learns that Vong ships occasionally fly in and bomb the city as well as attack ships that attempt to leave. Jaina and Danni share a few moments together.
Corran and Ganner come across a village that slashrats won’t go near. There are slaves and Yuuzhan Vong living there. A slave exits one building, and is killed sportingly by several Vong warriors. Ganner wants to attack the warriors, but Corran uses the Force the restrain him and they return back to the cave.
Jacen finds Luke in a trance and marvels at his Uncle’s connection to the Force. He hopes that he will be able to do the same someday. He decides to return to the camp to free some slaves. Unfortunately he is met by a Yuuzhan Vong warrior who bests him in a fight and nearly drowns him before taking him captive.
Gavin Darklighter and his Rogue Squadron arrive on Dubrillion to meet with the Admiral Kre’fey and Leia. They are to defend any ships that attempt to leave the planet. Jaina wants to be part of the defense, but Gavin refuses. Leia tells him that Jaina is one of the best pilots available and they need all the help they can get. Jaina is allowed to join Rogue Squadron under the nickname “Sticks”. Once in flight, it takes little time for the Yuuzhan Vong warships and coralskippers to begin the attack. Although they had hoped to jump to Agamar, a Vong warship blocks their path and the convoy jumps to hyperspace towards Dantooine instead.
Jacen is being held on a pain inducing machine and can feel the Vong placing something on his face. It is the same substance he saw on the slaves. Luke arrives and using two lightsabers is able to defeat the three Vong that are holding Jacen captive. Luke tells Jacen they must head to Dantooine.
Mara and Anakin meet with some locals and work out a bartering arrangement. Mara is pleased that Anakin does all this without using the Force.
As Corran and Ganner return to camp, Corran reflects on how the Vong use their slaves as much for torture and cruelty as opposed to the normal use (labor force with little costs). This causes him more concern about the future war that is coming. Back at the camp, the scientists tell them that the beetle they recovered is able to replicate the stink smell that wards off slashrats. Corran suggests they create a virus that will have them simulate the slashrat kill scent instead. As they prepare the plan, they realize that two members of the team have gone missing.
Anakin ventures down to find his bartering companion, but he finds the man being interrogated by two Yuuzhan Vong. He refuses to tell them where to find Anakin and Mara. Anakin uses the Force to toss a huge boulder at the Vong, and then he ignites his purple lightsaber and attacks killing both of them. The man tells him that the Jade Sabre has been destroyed (along with most other technology) and gives him some medicinal items for Mara and he quickly returns. Anakin begins wondering whether the mere presence of the Vong makes Mara’s illness worsen.
The convoy arrives from Dubrillion and Leia detects no Yuuzhan Vong in the area. Leia agrees to remain as the Admiral returns for reinforcements. Leia is concerned that she cannot sense Anakin or Mara on the planet.
Mara and Anakin have been chased for several days. Anakin believes they are searching for him to seek revenge for killing the other warriors. Eventually they are cornered by three of the Vong. Anakin tries to get Mara to flee while he holds them off. He fights bravely, but is nearly killed until Luke and Jacen arrive to finish off the Vong attackers. Mara determines that the reason she has been growing weaker is because she is resting too much. The disease is cutting her off from the Force so she needs to become more active within the Force to stay healthy.
Corran and Ganner realize that the two missing members of the group have been kidnapped. They follow them back to the camp and believe that the Vong are looking for the archeological items that the scientists recently packed up. They also notice there are fewer slaves and those still alive are growing weaker.
As the battle approaches, Gavin Darklighter instructs his Rogue Squadron to hold off the coralskippers so the New Republic forces can attack the ground Vong troops directly. They others analyze the Vong’s plan and believe they are headed for Ithor, one of the populated New Republic planets. It would also signal that the Vong are much more entrenched the galaxy than they had feared.
Luke sends Mara off to help Leia round up any refugees that may be fleeing while he, Anakin, and Jacen are sent out to other locations to protect the camps. As Mara and Leia approach the camp, the encounter Yuuzhan Vong warriors that had been posing as humans. During the fight, Mara kills one, but Leia is nearly killed herself. At the last moment she is saved by her Noghri bodyguard, Bolphur, who is killed in the process.
Corran and Ganner return to the Vong camp in hopes of using the slashrat kill scent against them. After using a decoy to lure the Vong warriors away, Corran and Ganner discover the two missing students inside their camp. They have been tortured and are suspended in the air in constant pain. Because of this, every time they try to help the students, more pain is inflicted upon them. Corran decides that perhaps he can trick the organic device holding them by using the Force to inflict pain on them so the device will relax and they can use lightsabers to cut them down. He tells Ganner to touch his arm with his lightsaber and he projects that pain onto the two students. The ploy works and they rescue them. Unfortunately the Vong warriors return. Corran tells Ganner to use the Force to get the students to safety while he holds them off. Corran kills one, but the other’s serpent like spear bites Corran and poisons him. Corran was, however, able to inflict serious damage on the Vong. Suddenly, slashrats begin pouring into the area and start to devour the injured Vong warrior. Corran knows he is next as the numbness overtakes him, but instead he feels himself floating up and realizes that he is becoming one with the Force.
The ground assault of Dantooine begins, but the Vong are using slaves and reptoids in the attack. Luke can sense them through the Force so he can dispatch them easily, but unfortunately there are too many and Luke is quickly overwhelmed. Anakin and Jacen, along with Elegos are facing the same thing. Leia arrives and tells them to get everyone aboard freighters before they are all killed.
Rogue Squadron is now tasked with protecting the many freighters retreating out of the system. As they attempt to jump to hyperspace, a Yuuzhan Vong cruiser blocks their route. Just then Admiral Kre’fey arrives with additional ships that all open fire on the cruiser which knocks it out of the way. Leia docks with the Admiral and they head back to Coruscant to deliver their report.
Chancellor Fey’lya and his council are unimpressed with the report. Apparently the New Republic fleet was not even involved in the battle; it was only ships from Agamar. Gavin is incensed by this and begins arguing with Fey’lya and the others saying they are insane. Fey’lya threatens him with “forced resignation”, but Kre’fey comes to his defense and says that if Gavin goes so does the military. He also suggests that if Leia would want to return to lead the Senate, he would gladly back her side. Fey’lya laughs at this until Leia asks if he wants to be remembered as the person that ruined the Republic so badly that she had to return to save it. He backs down and agrees to give the military what it needs. He also agrees to put out the information to the full Senate and the Holonet. Leia and the others are pleased, but they know that his compliance will most likely be short lived.
Because so many other Rogues were lost in the attack, Jaina is invited to become a full time member. Wedge Antilles and Tyco Selcu are awaiting Gavin’s return and offer whatever help they can to the effort.
Anakin tells Jacen about dreams he’s had of not being able fight off the reptoids, but he can’t do enough and he finds his family among the many dead people he couldn’t save. Jacen feels guilty for killing all the reptoids since they were merely slaves. He also reconsiders his idea to go off on his own to learn about the Force. Anakin also tells him that he has decided to choose Luke’s path with the Force. Instead of using it as a blunt weapon or a crutch, he looks upon the Force as an advisor or source of strength. They decide that perhaps there is a happy medium by learning all the many Jedi methods that are available.
Corran recounts how he thought he was dead as he tells Luke about how Ganner had returned to save him. His time in the bacta tank had healed his wounds.
Shedao Shai, the Vong Commander, overlooks the carnage leftover from the slashrats with great displeasure. One of the warriors retells the story of the students and how two Jedi came to rescue them. Shy is appalled that they would leave his warriors, who were Shai’s cousins, to be eaten. He also is told that his grandfather’s remains were taken by the scientists. Shedao Shai vows revenge on the Jedi and to find Corran and kill him.
Our heroes must now come to grips with the Yuuzhan Vong, but others in power are not so quick to join the fight. It’s this premise that sets the main characters we’ve known out on their own again to face this threat.
After Vector Prime I was concerned about how this series would continue. The first book was an amazing set up, and knowing that his would be spread over so many novels I wasn’t sure how it could possibly work out without dragging on. This story begins to paint the picture of how things will be handled.
There are a few main storylines that are followed in this first of two books in the Dark Tide duology. Some more interesting that others, but all equally important.
The divide among the Jedi is an intriguing one. It makes perfect sense that certain Jedi with their new powers would want to act as Kyp is suggesting. In fact, Luke’s side to some could surely be seen as weak were it not for his actions. Even though he doesn’t wish to attack the Vong outright, he plans to gather information that will be useful later on when attack is necessary. The relationship between Luke and Jacen is intriguing and Jacen’s introspective thoughts may come back to trouble him very a long time.
Leia’s story here is uninteresting to me, but one that must be told. How do you wake up the rest of the galaxy that disaster is coming and everyone needs to jump on board to save themselves from being wiped out? This is Leia’s role in life to this point. Always the diplomat.
Ganner and Corran’s story was my favorite of the book. Seeing two Jedi out their investigating and fighting when necessary is what I always envisioned the Jedi to do. The fact that they sit on opposite sides of the Luke/Kyp divide made it all the better.
Anakin and Mara are seemingly sent off to do nothing and end up in the middle of everything (as is known to happen in this Universe). Her instructions on how, when, and why to use the Force were powerful and perhaps the best scene in the book. It was good to see Mara and Anakin in action working together. Mara’s illness has cut her grit from her, but she begins her steps back nicely.
Overall, this was a good read, although not nearly as enjoyable as it’s predecessor. The second half of this duology is a tad better, but it has the luxury of being able to tie things back up.
Major Characters |
Luke Skywalker
Elegos A’Kla Gavin Darklighter Fey’lya Leia Organa Solo Admiral Traest Kre’fey Anakin Solo |
Mara Jade Skywalker
Jacen Solo Jaina Solo Corran Horn Ganner Rhysode Shedao Shai |
Why Should You Read This Book? |
I’m assuming if you read Vector Prime, you want to continue to learn how these events shape our heroes’ galaxy | |
Good Moment |
Bad Moment |
“I hope you two think this is a good day to die”
Corran making Ganner throw up using the Force
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