James Luceno2000 – Del Rey25.5 years after The Battle of YavinSite Rating =
SPOILER ALERT: This Will Spoil The Plot of the Book!
After months of battle, the Yuuzhan Vong decide to bring their priests to assist with their invasion efforts. The planet of Obroa-skai, home to a vast library, lies in ruins. Harrar is the Vong priest in charge of overseeing the collection of information and their captives. He takes a moment to question one prisoner, a fellow a priest, who tells him of the Jedi and the Light and Dark Sides of the Force. Harrar realizes that he must eliminate the Jedi if he is to bring the religion of the Yuuzhan Vong to this galaxy.
After looking over the collected material, Harrar meets with a priestess named Elan and another being named Vergere (her pet). Nom Anor is also present. He has been recruiting help to carry out sabotage attacks throughout the galaxy. Harrar tells of his concern that they may never be able to convert most of the natives to their religion as long as the Jedi live. They discuss the poison that has been released into the galaxy.
A Vong assassin enters kills the captives using a poison that he breathes out. The poison is so effective that it kills the assassin in the process. The poison is from a bo’tous and is carried inside a host. Elan will carry these eggs in her lungs and allow herself to be captured so she can attempt to knock out a large number of Jedi in one swift attack.
On Kashyyyk, a memorial service is finally being held for their fallen hero, Chewbacca. Luke Skywalker, Han and Leia Solo, and their children are all in attendance. Mara Jade Skywalker is still fighting her illness and is unable to attend. Chewbacca’s family gives Han one of Chewie’s bowcasters, and much to Han’s surprise they tell him they plan to continue Chewie’s life debt! Two of his relatives are chosen to do this, but Han declines saying he still isn’t yet ready to replace Chewbacca.
Back on Coruscant the Senate is bogged down in arguments over what to do against the Vong. Bel-dar-Nolek of the Obraon Institute is upset that the Republic will do nothing until the Vong threaten the core worlds. He is upset with the Jedi as well. Admiral Kre-fey says he will go to Obrao-skai and attempt peace talks, but few are happy with this decision.
Han tells Leia that he still feels responsible for Chewbacca’s death and wonders what type of life he would have led if Han hadn’t dragged him around the galaxy. He tells her he plans to get revenge on the Yuuzhan Vong. He does not take the Falcon with him and even thinks about donating it to a museum (along with himself he muses).
Back on Coruscant, Luke returns to Mara. Her spirits are dwindling as she had hoped things would have improved in the galaxy after the treaty with the Empire.
Elsewhere Han runs into a man named Roa. Roa was a mentor to Han during his smuggling days and hadn’t seen him in 30 years. Roa’s wife was recently killed at the hands of the Vong. Another smuggler, Reck Desh, has been working with the Vong and played a hand in his wife’s death. Reck’s group, known as the Peace Brigade, has been scouting for the Vong. Roa proposes that Han help him hunt down Reck. Han agrees. Before Han leaves, he speaks with Leia who is preparing to leave for Ord Mantell on a mission. She urges Han to make amends with Anakin soon. Anakin enters and gives Han a tool that Chewbacca had made. Han accepts the peace offering and departs with Roa on his ship, the Happy Dagger. It is only then that Han learns that they will also be traveling to Ord Mantell!
In another part of the galaxy, New Republic ships are having some success attacking a Vong ship. It is destroyed much to the delight of the crew. Several believe the victory was too easy. An escape pod is captured and inside they find Elan and her pet. Elan tells her captors she wishes to speak to the Jedi saying she has information about the mysterious spore borne illness. A few Senators and Luke are told about the supposed defectors. While some information has been given she will only speak further to the Jedi personally. She did reveal that the next Vong attack will be on Ord Mantell. The New Republic sends its fleet and Elan earns the trust she needs.
Once on Ord Mantell, Han and Roa run into some strange creatures known as Ryn that turn out to be the same species as Vergere (the pet). They learn that they must find someone named Boss B. After checking for any information around the area, they run into the bounty hunter Bossk. Bossk has learned of Chewbacca’s death and makes a disparaging remark about it. Han throws a punch and a bar brawl ensues.
Vergere’s disfigurement is the result of an experiment. Elan talks to Vergere about the Jedi and the Force and even expresses her desire to use the Force. Vergere is unsure that will be a possibility.
Han and Roa are released from prison at the request of Boss B who, they are told, would like to meet with them. Boss B looks to be a combination of a human and a Hutt, and was a former employer of Han’s. He thanks Han for killing Jabba the Hutt and agrees to help them find Desh. Suddenly the Yuuzhan Vong attack begins on the planet!
The New Republic fleet does little to thwart the Vong as they center in on Boss B’s base. A huge giant worm creature acts as a giant vacuum that is inhaling everything in its path. Roa is sucked inside, but Han with the help of a Ryn manages to lower the blast doors and stop the suction. Han and the Ryn make it to a shuttle that is filled with fleeing inhabitants. They begin to fly to safety when Han attempts to return to find Roa. The Ryn tells him not to as they would be risking the lives of the refugees. Han realizes that he is in the same predicament that Anakin was in on Sernpidal and wisely chooses to escape.
On the planet Kuat, Reck Desh meets with a telbun who tells him about the Vong defectors. He offers to tell him how to get them back so Reck can gain favor with the Vong in exchange for favors for the telbun once the war is over and the New Republic is destroyed. The deal is made.
On Ord Mantell, Threepio runs into Han who was just finishing an argument with the ryn. Threepio takes him to Leia who mends his wounds. Han leaves to go look for Roa, despite Leia’s position that he’s being reckless. A friend of Boss B’s tracks down Han and tells him that Reck Desh has a big plan involving the entire Peace Brigade. Using Threepio to imitate Leia, he books passage to Bilbringi to investigate Reck’s plan. Unfortunately, the ship he is traveling on is known to be cursed and is called the Queen of Empire. A disguised Elan and Vergere are being boarded onto the Queen of Empire as well. Han tries to eat, but the last bite of food was snatched by the ryn he had just left! The ryn’s introduces himself as Droma, and Han gives an alias in return. Droma’s family has been scattered and he has been searching for them for some time.
Harrar and Nom Anor are meeting to discuss their plans when a message arrives that the Peace Brigade plans to liberate Elan. They are enraged that their plans could fall apart.
On board the Queen, the New Republic guards are attacked as they escorted Elan and Vergere. Showolter was able to hold them off, but a few were killed. Vergere heals his hands temporarily. They go looking for the New Republic backup, but instead they run into Han. Showwalter begs him to hide Elan and Vergere until the reach Bilbringi. Suddenly, the ship is pulled from hyperspace! The Peace Brigade has arrived to claim their prize!
Leia paces the Skywalker residence. She is complaining about Han’s attitude. Luke tells her about the defectors and his plans to meet with them. Threepio moves in quickly and tells them about the attack on the Queen of Empire. Leia, Luke, and Mara take off in the Falcon to help. Nom Anor and a New Republic fleet are also in route.
The Queen is in chaos. Anor has disabled the Brigade shuttle so they cannot escape with the defectors. The New Republic ships arrive and Anor sets up to attack them.
Han attempts to hide the others, but Reck finds them and takes them to his ship. The two argue about Reck’s loyalties as Han tells him about Chewbacca’s and Roa’s wife’s deaths. Reck refuses to apologize saying he had nothing to do with them. Han is tossed into a shaft but is saved when he grabs Droma’s tail. As they attempt to find their way out, they encounter a group of New Republic soldiers coming on board. As Han attempts to talk his way onto a ship, when the Falcon arrives with Luke, Mara, and Leia at the controls! Han and Droma take off after Reck in the Falcon where Han finally tells him who he and his wife and friends really are.
They reach the ship and Han space walks into it. Inside, Hand discovers several of bodies, including Reck and the Vong that were with him, which have all died in a horrible way. Sitting in the sealed cargo hold, he finds Elan and Vergere alive. Elan points out the remnants of the airborne poison all over the floor. Whoever did this it was either gone or dead. He takes them back to the Falcon and they are immediately under attack from Yuuzhan Vong fighters. Droma doesn’t trust the new passengers and they realize that perhaps the Vong are letting them escape a bit too easily. Perhaps something else is going on. Perhaps their two passengers are never meant to be returned to the Vong. Han goes to question Elan and tells her of his suspicions. She agrees that she should be taken to Luke immediately. Han figures it all out and tells Droma to fly towards the Vong. Han attempts to put them into an escape pod, but Elan shoves him in and breaths the bo’tous inside. Unfortunately a quick motion of the ship launched her inside as well. Han grabs the re-breather tool Anakin had given him before he left. Elan begins to bleed violently from all parts of her body. The hatch opens and Droma pulls him out, but ship is still under attack!
Han finds Vergere and as Han appears to attack her she leaps out of the way into an escape pod, but not before leaving him a bottle of her tears. The pod launches, but is apparently destroyed by the Yuuzhan Vong. As the Falcon returns to the fleet, many begin to wonder if there is someone working with the Vong from inside the New Republic.
Back on Coruscant, the Jedi analyze Vergere’s tears. They notice some interesting properties inside them. They are unsure about whether or not Vergere was as bad as Elan. With some trepidation, Mara takes in a few drops of the tears. Immediately she realizes that her disease is subsiding at least for the time being.
On her way to tell her family the good news, Leia ran into Han and Anakin in the middle of reconciliation. He knows that the Vong are to blame for Chewie’s death. Leia tells them the good news about Mara. Anakin leaves, but Han tells Leia he has some unfinished business. He wants to find Roa and help Droma find his missing family. She isn’t happy about it, but understands. She tells him that his escapades need to end soon and starting working on their marriage instead of solving the problems of others.
Back on Obroa-skai, the Supreme Commander of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet Nas Choka, a High Priest named Jakan, and Prefect Drathul contact Nom Anor and Harrar. As punishment for their failure Harrar is moved back to the Outer Rim. Nom Anor is warned that any future issues will be costly to him. The Hutts are allowing the Vong to grow corol on their worlds in exchange for being left alone after the Vong win the war. In addition, Anor learns that the New Republic has a traitor in its midst.
After spending much of the last two books sulking over the death of Chewbacca, Han Solo finally jumps back into the driver’s seat. The first half of the Agents of Chaos duology brings Han back into the storyline.
Han’s position has been one of recovery and not so much of the old wry Han that we’ve all come to love. His suffering of loss, the terror of losing a loved one, and the anger towards his own son have brought Han to places he’s never been. Sounds like a great set up for what’s to come.
And for the most part it is….
As Han begins to confront his demons, the rest of the galaxy is still a bit up in the air. For Han it seems to be all about avenging his friend’s death. He finds a way to help his cause and that of a friend in Roa. While I have nothing against Roa’s character and don’t necessarily think this is a bad way to go, I can’t help but think that Han’s redemption should be following a greater path than saving Roa and his wife.
But having said that, the point is to separate him from his comfort zone and also from those that have been at the cause of his despression. And as far as that goes, the quest for Roa and his wife will do the trick.
The other subplot (which of course eventually finds its way into the main one) is the Vong conspiracy to kill the Jedi by offering them information in the form of defectors. Elan and Vergere fill this role and their plot is well conceived, but unfortunately for them they never reach their target. And in one sense, it’s unfortunate for us as well. A confrontation with her and a few Jedi may have been a good read.
These comments may sound like I’m second guessing the choices made, but really, things worked out very well as written. The finale with the different groups trying to attack/trick or who knows what was exciting and it’s interesting to watch as other outside groups begin to get their hands involved in the outcome of the war.
Luke, Mara, Leia and her children are more or less sidelined for this one, but a few interesting points have come with them. The first being a reprieve for Mara and her disease. I suppose she is the most logicial to have been inflicted, but the old Mara was far more interesting to me. The second is the notion of the traitor being introduced.
Overall, like the two books before it, Hero’s Trial is effective, but not one that really knocked it out of the park.
Major Characters |
Luke Skywalker
Mara Jade Skywalker Anakin Solo Han Solo Leia Organa Solo Vergere Nom Anor Reck Desh |
Elan Harrar Roa Major Showolter |
Why Should You Read This Book? |
Han’s steps towards redemption and moving beyond Chewbacca’s death. | |
Good Moment |
Bad Moment |
You forget! We’ll be flying the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy!”..perfect chessy SW line
I didn’t particularly enjoy the giant sucking worm.
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