James Luceno2000 – Del Rey25.5 years after The Battle of YavinSite Rating =
SPOILER ALERT: This Will Spoil The Plot of the Book!
In the latest offensive by the Yuuzhan Vong, the outlying world of Gyndine has fallen under heavy attack. Leia Organa Solo is on the planet assisting in the evacuation of those left on the planet. Things are deteriorating rapidly, and as the shield for the New Republic Embassy is destroyed the final ship is waiting to depart. Even though the ship is overcrowded, she convinces the deck officer to allow a few more onboard. She spots several Ryn among the refugees, but can only accept four of them on board. One Ryn left behind tells the others to find Droma.
Once safely on the transport Leia questions them about this and they are indeed members of Droma’s family. She tells them that Droma has been searching for them with Han for the past month. She also learns that a Jedi named Wurth Skidder who was also assisting in the escape refused to leave the planet and remained behind. As the embassy is falling, Wurth has decided to remain behind and allow himself to be captured in order to learn more about the Yuuzhan Vong as well as prove his worth as a Jedi.
The loss of Gyndine reaches the War Room of the New Republic. Realizing that the planet was merely a stopping point for future invasions, they hope to get the Consortium Worlds involved in the defense of the galaxy. They hope Leia can convince them to help since she was once courted by Prince Isolder of Hapes. The other part of the plan is to lure the Vong into a trap in the Corellian System and use the Centerpoint System to hold the Vong ships in place while the New Republic fleet destroys them. Unfortunately that part of the plan will not be looked upon favorably by many. They hope to earn the vote of a new member of the voting council, Senator Viqi Shesh.
On the Hutt world of Nal Hutta, Nom Anor and Commander Malik Carr are discussing the future potential of the planet as they meet with the Hutt ruler, Borga. They negotiate the use of the planet for experiments and other necessary plans. The Vong agree not to interfere with any smuggling in return. Borga requests that the Hutts be made aware of any future Vong activities so they don’t waste their efforts and won’t interfere. Nom and Malik find humor in this request, but they agree and tell them the next targets are Corellia, Tynna, and Bothawui. The other Hutts are not pleased with the arrangement, but they do discuss the possibility of selling this information to the New Republic.
After refused attempts to deliver the Gyndine refugees land on several worlds, Leia learns that Ruan is accepting as many refugees as it can get. She is contacted by Han who has painted the Falcon and grown a long beard to hide his appearance. He and Droma have been searching for Roa and Droma’s family. She tells him she is going to Hapes and Han wryly tells her to say hello to the Prince for him. She also tells him that Droma’s relatives are with her in route to Ruan!
The Yuuzhan Vong Commander Chine-kal is watching over the Gyndine captives, including Wurth, on a prisoner ship called the Creche. He tells them they have been selected for a special service. They will spend their time caring for a yammosk. Among the other prisoners, Wurth meets Roa and Fasgo. Chine-kal explains the battle coordination abilities of the yammosk. He also tells him that he hope the yammosk with be able to link with the prisoners as well so they can learn more about each of them. Resistance to the yammosk has been known to drive some insane, but Wurth tries to hide his Jedi abilities.
On Yavin 4 Luke receives a visit from Talon Karrde and they discuss the fate of Wurth Skidder. Jacen and Anakin are arguing over Anakin’s invitation to assist at Centerpoint. Jacen is completely against this course of action. Luke agrees that its use as an offensive weapon is not necessarily right; he says that anything much done to defeat the Yuuzhan Vong. Jacen decides he will accompany his brother. Karrde tells Luke about the Hutt’s recent retreat from Bothawui, Tynna, and Corellia. Karrde plans on meeting with a smuggler to learn the reason why. Jaina wants to go with Karrde, but Kyp and Ganner will go as well.
On Ruan, the Ryn quickly learn that life there will not be easy. They meet with other Ryn who tell them the planet is essentially a work camp and most will never get relocated to better worlds.
On Hapes, Leia tells them about the Yuuzhan Vong and asks for their help. The Consortium is split. Archon Thane disputes her motives and insults her. Prince Isolder punches him in her defense. More infighting ensues.
The Falcon is attacked by coralskippers. They are able to destroy several, but take damage to the hyperdrive in the process. They are forced to land quickly and get the parts they’ll need.
Commander Brand meets with Senator Viqi Shesh to discuss the arming of Centerpoint. He tells her his plan to lure them there, but they would need all the resources available to destroy them. This would mean leaving some worlds with only minimal or no protection at all. Shesh suggests she tell the information to the Hutts who, they assume, would pass it along to the Yuuzhan Vong.
Karrde’s group meets with some smugglers to inquire as to why they have stopped shipping to the three worlds in question. They confirm that the Hutt’s have information to stay away.
Randa the Hutt arrives on the prisoner ship and Chine-kal takes him to meet the yammosk. Upon seeing the Ryn, Randa tells them that the Ryn are prognosticators. They take several Ryn away to experiment.
Back on Hapes, Isolder and Thane have agreed to a duel. If Isolder wins then Thane agrees to vote to assist the New Republic. If Thane wins, they will not help and instead protect themselves. During the fight, Leia learns that Isolder’s marriage is failing. It is bitter brawl, but Isolder wins in the end. Hapes will support the war effort! Leia has dark vision of the future and thinks that this decision may prove to be unwise.
Droma’s family on Ruan gets a chance to leave. If they agree to forge papers for the rest of the refugees, they will be taken as well. Of course, they agree to help.
As Han and Droma land to get parts for the Falcon, the ship is searched at a checkpoint. In a twist, it turns out that this is group that moves refugees around from planet to planet. Although Han and Droma learn that they merely deposit them onto another world that will soon be invaded so they can relocate them (for a fee) all over again when they are recaptured. They tell them about an upcoming load on Ruan. Han and Droma jump at the chance to help.
Back on the prisoner ship, Wurth, Roa, and Fasgo are pleased to see the Ryn that had been taken away return. They tell Wurth about Randa and the schemes the Hutts and Vong are engaged in. Randa used the Ryn to predict his future. Wurth hatches a plan. The next time the Ryn are called, they should tell Randa that the Yuuzhan Vong will betray and kill him. Wurth plans to implant the notion in the yammosk that Randa is there to free the captives! Thus this false premonition may actually come true! Wurth reveals that he is a Jedi Knight and has been conversing with the yammosk. He hopes to learn the name of the next world to be invaded and tell the New Republic. When this happens they and the other prisoners should mutiny!
After the news hits the Holonet of the Hutt’s intentions, Senator Shesh meets with Golga the Hutt. She asks him about the possible attacks on the three worlds in question. He denies that the Hutts have any knowledge of the Vong plans. She asks him to pass along a message to Borga as it would be repayment for a previous wrong. Borga should know that while the fleet is elsewhere it was would ideal for the Vong to attack Corellia as there is a surprise waiting for them there.
On Ruan, the Ryn complete the forged documents to get them off the planet.
After learning that his plan has been put into action, Wurth attempts to communicate with yammosk. His plan backfires as the yammosk realizes his deception and begins flinging people around the room killing Fasgo in the process before revealing to Chine-kal the Wurth is a Jedi!
Talon Karrde is able to get the information he needs and passes it along to the New Republic.
The planet of Tynna is the next to fall to the Yuuzhan Vong. Several Vong commanders converse with Warmaster Tsavong Lah and tell him about their agreements with the Hutts and their hopes of luring the New Republic in with their plan. The Hutts will likely be sacrificed once this is over. They discuss Senator Shesh’s information regarding the trap at Corellia and wonder if she is also the traitor that alerted them to Elan’s defection months earlier.
The New Republic Council votes on their course of action – Corellia or Bothawui. The vote comes down to Shesh who sides with Fey’lya. The fleet is sent to defend Bothawui as Brand hoped it would.
Han and Droma land on Ruan and learn that the Ryn have been accused of forging documents, but have already escaped the planet. The Ryn believe they are headed for a better world but are actually being taken to Fondor. After learning of this from a droid, Han and Droma continue the pursuit.
Borga is told by his Vong handlers that she may begin shipping to Bothawui again. Choka asks Borga about Jedi. Borga tells them about Wurth (which he learned from Randa). Choka is displeased that he had not been told of this by his own forces and orders the Creche to deliver Wurth. Afterwards, the Hutts are now convinced that the Vong are going to double cross them and decide to tip off the New Republic that the attack will indeed be at Corellia and contact Talon Karrde about the whereabouts of Wurth Skidder.
On the Creche, Wurth has been tortured, but Randa tells him he’d like to help him out since he knows (via the Ryn) that the Vong will soon move against him.
After learning of Wurth’s location, Karrde informs Kyp and Ganner of his location. He’s a bit weary to do this for fear of widening the gap between Kyp and Luke. Kyp insists there is no gap and that this mission will be approved.
Once near Corellia, Anakin and Jacen learn that that since Anakin was the one that originally shut Centerpoint down, he will be the one to bring it back to life. The team working to fix the station, is Thracken Sal-Solo, Han’s felon cousin. Jacen is still voicing his disapproval. As Anakin approaches the console which immediately comes to life and begins responding to his commands. Almost immediately, they learn they have thirty six hours until the Vong will attack.
A very troubled Leia and excited Isoldor are leading the Hapan fleet towards a rendevouz with the New Republic fleet. Brand informs Leia of the New Republic plan and that Anakin and Jacen are arming Centerpoint at the moment.
Chine-kal is attempting to break Wurth before he must be handed over. He taunts him, and Wurth puts a Force bubble around his head for a moment depriving him of air. The ship suddenly comes under attack and they make a quick hyperspace jump to Fondor.
The Vong leaders are pleased that their plan has worked. New Republic forces are massed in various areas that are no where near the real target – Fonder. All hyperspace lanes are blocked so any assistance will be thwarted. After learning that the Creche has jumped, they decide to commence the attack.
The transport holding the Ryn arrives at Fonder with bad news. They are being dumped off onto an unoccupied working station until they are needed. Han and Droma also arrive and are able to track down where the transport is located. They follow and attack, but the ship is set on running away. Much to their dismay, they quickly learn why. The Yuuzhan Vong attack is beginning! With little defense, Fondor is trouble. Han attacks a nearby ship with some surprise help from Kyp’s forces. The ship is actually the Creche. Kyp tells Han they are going on board to rescue Wurth and any others.
Leia and Isolder meet with Brand and he tells them that Corellia was a decoy, Fondor was the target. They also learn that hyperspace lanes are blocked. Isolder tells them the Hapans will join the fight. Leia is beside herself.
All nine of Kyp and Ganner’s fighters land inside the Creche courtesy of a hole made by the Falcon. They find many of the captives including Roa and Droma’s relatives, but must continue on to find Wurth.
Those from Ruan trapped on the orbital station are able to watch the Fondor attack from the front row. They see the transport returning along with New Republic ships. They are rescued by Droma and escape just as the station is destroyed.
At Centerpoint, the word of the attack on Fonder brings bad news. Thracken wants to use the Centerpoint as a weapon and fire upon the Vong fleet. Jacen again voices his objections. Anakin is the only one that can use it. He prepares the weapons system for attack.
Kyp finds Wurth in a battered shape surrounded by creatures that are quickly dispatched by the Jedi. Wurth tells them he has been broken by Chine-kal. He tells them he’s dying and they should find Randa. They run into the yammosk and Chine-kal. Ganner kills the yammosk with a flying lightsaber. Han contacts them and they all escape the doomed vessel. Roa and Han reunite and the Ryn get the good news that they will be seeing Droma soon enough.
Sal Solo is egging Anakin on to fire. Anakin listens to this brother and backs away, but Solo pushes him aside and grabs the controls!
The Hapan fleet prepares to enter the attack. Suddenly an enormous beam of light blasted the Hapans away and continued on through much of the Vong fleet! Centerpoint had been fired! The Vong leadership is stunned by the attack that they would kill their own to destroy the Vong. Nom Anor tells them that it must have been a mistake. They also learn that the yammosk has been killed and the Hutts have betrayed them.
Leia consoles Isolder who in turns comforts her. He says they have no ill will over the situation, but doesn’t expect that he will be allowed to assist again in the future.
The Solo children are unhappy that Thracken has become a hero. Jacen commends Anakin for not firing, but Anakin is upset because he knows that he could have done it without killing so many Hapan. The divide between the brothers deepens.
As Fey’lya again places the blame on the Jedi, Talon Karrde apologizes to Luke for his part in making them look bad. Like much of the galaxy, the Jedi are further divided.
A clean shaven Han contacts Leia. They are both looking for planets to place refugees. Senator Shesh has offered assistance. She is departing for Duro, so he decides there is no need to return home. She tells him they will see each other again, but Han doesn’t seem as sure.
The Yuuzhan Vong are victorious again and the New Republic is still in disarray as to what the next move should be. Nom Anor, disguised as Pedric Cuf, meets with Senator Shesh. He reveals himself without specifically doing so and Shesh is willing to do business with him.
Things are getting rather complicated.
Backstabbing, double crosses, betrayals are becoming quite commonplace in this era. And I certainly won’t complain about that.
After a bit of a letdown during the first half of this duology, the action and tension is picked up thoroughly here. The intrigue is growing and the stakes are getting higher….sort of.
The story took a bit to get going here, but about two thirds of the way as the Yuuzhan Vong plot unfolded I actually smiled several times while reading the book.
Without going over any of the more common characters in too much detail, I will say that the relationship between Jacen and Anakin is by far the most interesting to watch unfold particularly knowing what eventualities lie ahead of them. Han and Leia’s long distance relationship is almost heartbreaking if you didn’t know that they both were doing what they thought was best. Luke is non-existent here. For all the bad press Kyp has gotten thus far, he and Ganner shine in their fleeing moments.
Wurth Skidder never clicked with me and as a result his death didn’t particularly bother me. His mission was only successful in that the yammosk was killed.
The interplay with the Yuuzhan Vong and the Hutts was more fun that I would have expected and the manipulation and attempted manipulation were mind boggling a few times. Be sure to keep the characters and plots straight while your reading. This wouldn’t be one to stop in the middle of and then come back a month later.
Chine-kal was enjoyable and the normal Vong characters all played out well here. Clearly the Viki Shesh angle is intriguing.
Initially when I got to the Centerpoint big, I wasn’t sure, but obviously it ended with a bang (sorry for that…).
Overall, this was another successful NJO episode, but again nothing staggeringly amazing either.
Major Characters |
Nom AnorBrand
Malik Carr Chine-kal Borga the Hutt Randa the Hutt Droma Kyp Durron Prince Isolder |
Talon KarrdeRoa
Viqi Shesh Wurth Skidder Anakin Solo Han Solo Jacen Solo Leia Organa Solo |
Why Should You Read This Book? |
A particularly intriguing and complicated plot keeps this one going. | |
Good Moment |
Bad Moment |
“Solos go home” signs
There isn’t as much Jedi action as the title may imply.
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