Greg Keyes2001 – Del Rey26.5 years after The Battle of YavinSite Rating =
SPOILER ALERT: This Will Spoil The Plot of the Book!
Warmaster Tsavong Lah meets with Qurang Lah and Executor Nom Anor. They discuss when to invade their next target, with Nom Anor and Qurang Lah taking differing sides. Although they are pleased that their ploy to live in peace in return for killing Jedi has worked, Tsavong Lah is displeased that Jacen Solo has not been captured. Nom Anor insists that the time must be now, and Tsavong agrees with Qurang leading the forces. Tsavong promises swift retribution if Nom Anor fails again.
On Coruscant, a pregnant Mara along with Luke talk about the whereabouts of the Solo clan. Jacen is with his parents, while Jaina has been put on the backburner with Rogue Squadron because of her Jedi association. As they are eating, they learn that Fey’lya has issued an arrest warrant for Luke.
Jacen Solo watches an enormous Yuuzhan Vong ship that had yanked the Solo’s ship out of hyperspace. Not only had the Falcon been knocked out, but he and his parents were also knocked unconscious. Their ship is in bad shape, but Jacen has a plan to escape.
On board a Vong ship, the shaper Nen Yim takes a portion of the ship’s dying brain for experimentation (heresy in the Vong world).
Mara is incensed at the charges brought against Luke regarding the unauthorized military action at Yavin 4. It will be expected that Luke will tell the Jedi to stop any unauthorized actions, but Luke is not willing to do this. Fey’lya expects this response and hopes that Luke will go into seclusion. At that moment, Mara senses something terribly wrong and collapses.
On the Errant Venture, Anakin tells Tahiri that he’ll be going to Eriadu for supplies. Despite his apprehension on her recovery, she wants to go with him and eventually he agrees.
Using 3P0 and R2, Jacen sends some concussion missiles floating towards the Vong ship. Coralskippers begin to attack just as the Falcon comes back online, but the missiles run enough interference for them to escape.
Mara has toxic shock, but is treated without incident. It turns out that Vergere’s tears that had been used as a treatment for her disease ran out a while back, and she’d been taking a synthesized version. Apparently it is harmful to their unborn child. Not wanting to be arrested, she vows to not take the medicine so they will have time to flee and to protect their child.
Colonel Gavin Darklighter requests that Jaina continue her leave of absence. She is contacted by Mara and told to keep a low profile and meet them at secret location. Mara and Luke are attempting to contact Booster Terrik, but are intercepted by ships hoping to return them to Coruscant. The Jade Shadow and the New Republic ships engage in a fire fight. Jaina arrives and lends a hand. Without wanting to kill any of the pilots she does her best to merely disable them. Her radar picks up several more ships coming into view.
Back in hyperspace, the Solos discuss what had disabled their ship and themselves. Han wonders about how to pull off Luke’s plan to create a sort of river in space to help those in need. Leia tells him they have to figure something out.
It turns out that the ships in route are actually Rogue Squadron and the security ships take off. Gavin tells Luke that they are behind him and are willing to make it known that they support him over Fey’lya. Luke voices his appreciation, but cautions him not to get in too deep. Gavin also contacts Jaina. He tells her to keep and eye on Luke and apologizes for not bringing her back sooner and she’s welcome back whenever she’d like. Once in hyperspace, Luke tells Jaina to find Kyp Durron. Apparently he has been using a new type of tracking device that Talon Karrde developed and placed one on Kyp’s ship. It seems Kyp is near Sernpidal, the planet where Chewbacca was killed. She leaves immediately.
Anakin, Tahiri, and Corran Horn arrive on Eriadu. Corran goes off alone for supplies, while the teenagers stay behind. Tahiri admits that some of the Yuuzhan Vong implanted memories still peak through from time to time. They both sense a Jedi is in trouble nearby. Tahiri takes off before Anakin can stop her and he follows. Five beings are attacking a Jedi, but Tahiri arrives just in time. She cuts their weapons in half as they encircle her, but Anakin enters the fray and tips the odds in their favor. Anakin notices that the men are all members of the Peace Brigade, and Tahiri wants to take them out, but they retreat before she has the chance. Unfortunately the endangered Jedi does not survive, but before he died he spoke the name of the planet Yag’dhul. Planet security arrives and arrests Anakin and Tahiri.
Jaina reaches Serpidal, but Kyp had already jumped away to a strange system. As she approaches, Kyp contacts her and says he’s discovered something that can destroy the Republic. They meet on an ice planet and Jaina tells him that Luke sent her to find him. She tells him that Luke is working on building a network that can protect Jedi and get information from inside Vong territory. Kyp isn’t completely convinced, but he agrees to meet with Luke. He also asks her to take back his information as he shows her a new Yuuzhan Vong ship that can collapse a star! She agrees to take it to Rogue Squadron along with Kyp.
After their escape, The Falcon runs into an out of place freighter being escorted by Vong ships and taking supplies to the Peace Brigade. Leia wants to stop them, but Jacen voices his opposition. Han angrily scolds him, and tells him to follow orders. They plan to take out the Vong ships and then try and convince the freighter to surrender or be destroyed.
Nen Yim is seeking to reach further into the secret protocols, but is rebuked by Master Tjulan Kwaad who says she is not ready. He will instead send a master shaper to assist her. Because she has continued to work in heresy, she is uneasy, but willing to accept the master.
After escaping from detention, Anakin and Tahiri hijack a nearby speeder and take it back into their ship where a surprised Corran is waiting. Anakin says they’ll explain later, but escape is priority one. They jump several times back towards the core. Anakin tells him about Yag’dhul. Corran guesses correctly that Anakin programmed their last jump to end right near the Yag’dhul system. They come out right in the middle of a Yuuzhan Vong fleet.
Mara admits to Luke that she may be feeling the effects of the Vong virus. They land on the Errant Venture and meet with Booster, Kam Solusar, and the rest of the Jedi children. He notices that Corran, Anakin, and Tahiri are missing, as he gets them up to speed on the situation. He tells them about Han and Leia’s mission as well as his quest to find a new Jedi base.
Back in the Lucre, Anakin, Tahiri, and Corran are under heavy attack. They eject towards an asteroid as they watch as their ship is destroyed. They have only three days of supplies as they hide out. Anakin concentrated on his lightsaber trying to feel the Vong presence. Corran notices this and wonders if they can find any more of these lambents Anakin picked up on Yavin 4 so others may learn to sense the Vong as well. Corran speaks with Anakin about setting a good example for the other Jedi, many of whom admire and emulate his actions even though they don’t have his strength. Suddenly the asteroid begins to move, and they realize that the asteroid is actually a ship!
Behind the controls of the Falcon, Han is feeling better than he had in some time taking out any Vong ship in his path. They make contact with the mysterious freighter and are told they are delivering supplies to Vong captives. The Falcon boards them and they admit they are caring weapons headed towards the Peace Brigade. They set the crew free and tell them to spread the word that any future deliveries to the enemy will not be met as kindly. Jacen confronts Han about his aggressive behavior and stealing the bountiful load.
Back on the asteroid/Vong ship, the Jedi are able to bash their way inside. Several Vong show up to investigate the hull breach, and Anakin and Corran defend themselves against several warriors as Tahiri breaks through the door lock. After an hour, they’ve defeated the remaining warriors and rounded up the rest of the crew and taken over the ship. Because of her experience on Yavin 4, Tahiri knows how to fly the ship. Using a cap that the pilot wears to communicate with the ship, Tahiri tells them that the ship is scheduled to jump to the next Vong target.
Master Kae Kwaad (whose shaper hands are dead) meets with Nen Yim. Kwaad renames her to Nen Tsup and she realizes that Kae Kwaad is insane and has only been sent to taunt her. She requests that they continue her work on the ship. Kae wants to go a different route much to Nen’s dismay. Nen begins to contemplate killing Kae Kwaad.
The Jedi arrive in the Yag’dhul system. The ship is expected to send back information on the region, but clearly they can’t do that. They attempt to contact the Yag’dhul. By taking over Yag’dhul the Vong will close off the back door as well as have a clear shot at taking over the systems that produce bacta. They make contact and surrender.
Jaina, Kyp, Gavin and Wedge meet much to Wedge’s dismay. Kyp shows them the information on the new Vong war machine. Wedge tells them that no official mission can take place if they don’t know for sure it is a weapon of war. Jaina vouches for Kyp’s information and Wedge agrees to take the information to Kre’fey.
Jacen and Han are in a Tatooine cantina and meet with a man named Shalo to get some information on the slave trade. Shalo threatens to collect the bounty on Jacen, but Jacen’s lightsaber has other ideas. Instead Shalo gives them information about a convoy arriving shortly that will have slaves among other things on board.
Luke sits with Mara. The disease inside her is mutating faster than medical science could imagine. Luke reaches inside Mara’s spirit and senses the pain and weakness that is inside and he realizes that she is most likely lost to him forever.
Wedge presents the Yuuzhan Vong information to Admiral Kre’fey. After a brief discussion, the group agrees that this is concrete proof that the Yuuzhan Vong are planning something major and Kre’fey vows that in two days they will know that someone is still there to stand up to them.
Han and the others are waiting for the convoy to show up for them in space. When the convoy does arrive, it is accompanied by several Yuuzhan Vong ships and coral skippers.
Back in another disguise, Nom Anor converses with a Qurang Lah about the missing stalking moon ship, which is a ship that Anakin and the others are currently sitting on. Nom Anor senses that Jedi are involved in this somehow that he is going to be on the lookout.
Anakin, Tahiri, and Corran are being led through station on Yag’dhul. The Givins who are responsible for this planet and system don’t necessarily believe everything that they tell them about a potential Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Perhaps they’re just trying to get themselves out of trouble. They give the Jedi a place to stay, while the Givin hierarchy determines what they will do next.
Nen Yim is still dealing with the insane Kae Kwaad, and has determined the method of killing Kwaad. She hopes to use some of the grutchins that Kwaad is currently trying to shape and turn them into weapons that will attack and kill him. She would other the name of her previous master and the grutchins would kill her new one.
As the moment to kill Kae Kwaad arrives, she hesitates and instead tells Kwaad that she can shape him hands since his are essentially useless. He says that she should not be able to do that, but she tells him she’s into many things that she should not be doing. He agrees to let her try.
Rogue Squadron arrives at the location to attempt to destroy the super weapon. Kyp’s Dozen are with them as well. They are met with quite a bit of resistance but they’re able to hold their own against the coralskippers. Elsewhere Han the Millennium Falcon are also engaged in battle with the coralskippers.
Anakin and the others await the arrival of the Yuuzhan Vong. Suddenly Anakin senses that Mara is dying and Luke is also in trouble and wants to immediately go to save them. Corran reminds them that they’ll be killed if they intend to leave this area. A low rumble in the system convinces Corran to change his mind and they head out in to the ship. They encounter two Givin with blasters who take them back to their leaders.
The Givin tell them they plan to breach the hull when the Vong enter. They have agreed to turn over the Jedi to them, but are now going back on their bargain, and will help them escape.
In her intense studies, Nin Yim realizes that there is an eighth cortex beyond the realm of Yong knowledge! A voice tells her that she is not welcome there, but she pushes farther inside. What she finds inside chills her to her core. She awakes and Kae Kwaad tells her they will be making a journey together to meet the Supreme Overlord!
A Vong ship contacts the Falcon and demands they turn over Jacen. Han jettisons both escape pods towards the Vong, and then follows them up with a few laser blasts.
As the Jedi attempt to escape from the Givin ship, Anakin senses that the Yuuzhan Vong are closing in.
As the Jedi are escaping from the Givin ship, Anakain senses that there are several Yuuzhan Vong on the way. When they encounter them he realizes that there should be one more there. One of the Givin is actually Nom Anor in disguise. They have the Jedi cornered. Corran challenges Nom Anor to a duel, but he declines. Tahiri then translates this over into the Vong language to the warriors who are incensed by Nom’s cowardice and one of them, Shok Choka, says he will take up the challenge. Anakin accepts this new challenge and the battle is on.
Rogue Squadron and Kyp’s dozen are still engaged in the fight as Kre’fey and the New Republic armada arrive.
In the heated battle between the Shok Choka and Anakin, Anakin is able to sidestep most of the major blows from the warrior eventually stabbing his knee with his light saber and cutting his head off. During the attack, Anakin had sliced a couple of holes in the sides of the wall and after the battle, with the warriors distracted, Corran finished opening the whole and they all escape through it. As they run down the corridor, they realize that the GivIn have opened the ship to space and oxygen is quickly deteriorating. They make their way into a storage unit where they find one suit that will keep them safe. Corran puts on the suit and goes off to look for additional help.
The Falcon is trapped by a Vong tractor beam, but Han turns the tables on them and, using a tanker loaded with liquid hydrogen and some focused laser blasts, Vong freighter erupts in flames. They’re able to make it a hyperspace and escape.
After Kre’fey’s ships are able to cut a path to the Vong super weapon, Wedge Antilles arrives and joins the fight alongside Jaina and what remained of Kyp’s Dozen. As they move to engage the weapon, Jaina takes a major blast to her ship and sees nothing but a huge inferno around her.
While they are waiting for Corran to return, Anakin and Tahiri share their first kiss. After returning to the air lock, Corran tells them some air is remaining and the three again make for the nearest escape route.
As Jacen and Han explain the science before their successful escape, Jacen is struck by terrible pain and tells his parents that something terrible has happened to Mara.
Across the galaxy, Jaina felt the same pain, but realized that it wasn’t for her as the fire she saw was the Vong weapon exploding. The pain was Mara’s. She was pleased that the Vong weapon was gone, until she noticed what appeared to be a single dovin basal floating in the distance. Things got even stranger when she realized that there were pairs of the dovin basals stretching in a almost a corridor like fashion all the way to Sernpidal! What had Kyp lead them into?
Luke comforted Mara’s pain. To his dismay she fell deep into the Force! Through the Force she told him to defend his family. Luke mind ventured deep into the Force and found the spirit of Mara protecting their unborn (and healthy son). Giving them his strength he pulled them all together like a family long separated. In the vision, Luke sees the future life for his son.
Anakin, Tahiri, and Corran board a Givin ship and flew into the Vong attack going on outside. Making a jump was not going to be easy as they did all they could to avoid the coralskippers. Suddenly all the Vong ships turned and heading off to deep space! The reason for the move is unknown to them.
Nom Anor is incensed at the recall, but Qurang Lah tells him of the attack on the shipwomb. Anor is blamed for moving so many ships away from its defense.
Jaina confronts Kyp about his deception. He admits that the ship they destroyed was not what he led them to believe. It was a new worldship and it’s destruction will cause chaos for the Vong that will force them to expend resources rebuilding instead of attack the New Republic. Jaina is distraught that she was duped into attacking something that in and of itself was not for war.
As they near the end of their trip, Anakin and Tahiri discuss their future when he is again stabbed by Mara’s pain. As they land he rushes to the medical bay only to find Mara weary, but well. She had just given birth to her and Luke’s son, Ben Skywalker and more good news…the Vong disease has been destroyed from her body.
Nin Yim is taken before Shimrra, the Supreme Overlod of the Yuuzhan Vong species. She expects that her heresy will be punished by death. Shimrra reveals that Kae Kwaad is actually his jester and is known as Onimi. Instead of death, Shimrra tells her that the gods have deemed the shapers and those that died on the world ship along with the infidels that destroyed it are the old. Nen Yim, now Master Nen Yim, will be the new and her works of heresy will now be carried out with alongside Shimrra. Nin Yim takes on the prospect with full mind in hopes of destroying the infidels all the sooner.
Fey’lya contacts Luke and congratulates him on Ben’s birth. He also tells him it was the Senate who issued the arrest warrant and he has now had it rescinded. He claims that he really wanted to help Luke, but needed a certain degree of deniability during this period. He also suggests that Luke never return to Coruscant. Luke tells Mara that he hopes to one day mend the difficulties with the Senate, and also that Kam Solusar has contacted them with good news. The planet they have sought may have been found. But for now they will focus on their new family.
Major Characters |
Anakin Solo
Corran Horn Han Solo Jacen Solo Jaina Solo Kae Kwaad |
Kyp Durron
Leia Organo Solo Luke Skywalker Mara Jade Skywalker Nen Yim Nom Anor |
Why Should You Read This Book? |
The birth of a certain someone, the end of a disease, and the further intrigue of the power behind the Yuuzhan Vong. | |
Good Moment |
Bad Moment |
The reveal of Kyp’s deceit.
Nothing standing out right now
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