Release Alert: Fate of the Jedi: Conviction and The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance

Two novels hit shelves today.  One brand new hardback, Aaron Allston’s Fate of the Jedi: Conviction, and one paperback reprint, Sean Williams The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance.

Fate of the Jedi 7: Conviction

Aaron Allston

May 24, 2011

Hardcover & Audiobook & Kindle

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Chief of State Natasi Daala has been overthrown, and the Jedi Order has taken control of the Galactic Alliance. But while the new governors dismantle Daala’s draconian regime, forces still loyal to the deposed official are mobilizing a counterstrike. And even the Jedi’s new authority may not be enough to save Tahiri Veila, the former Jedi Knight and onetime Sith apprentice convicted of treason for the killing of Galactic Alliance officer Gilad Pellaeon.

Meanwhile, Luke and Ben Skywalker are relentlessly pursuing Abeloth, the powerful dark-side entity bent on ruling the galaxy. But as they corner their monstrous quarry on the planet Nam Chorios, the two lone Jedi must also face the fury of the Sith death squadron bearing down on them. And when Abeloth turns the tables with an insidious ambush, the Skywalkers’ quest threatens to become a suicide mission.


The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance

Sean Williams

May 24, 2011

Paperback Reprint

(Hardcover, Audiobook, & Kindle previously available)

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Well back in the days of the old republic, smuggler Jet Nebula discovers a treasure whose present and ultimate value he cannot even begin to estimate. He soon learns that it is valuable to enough different, well-armed parties to threaten not only the peace of the galaxy but also his own life expectancy. The Hutts want it to sell to the highest bidder—whether the crumbling republic or the rising empire, they don’t care. The Sith, all two of them, have their own plans. So does the Jedi high council, with more scruples but greater numbers behind them. A Mandalorian seems to see in the find a clue to a long-unsolved and quite dire crime, while a spy of indeterminate loyalties plays all sides at once, which hints strongly of knowledge of what the mystery object really is. This novel is tied in to the Star Wars universe at a stage in its history that is still being explored in print fiction, and it is also the prequel to what promises to be the largest, most ambitious electronic role-playing game yet to be spun off of that universe. With so much riding on its shoulders, the book demands an unusual gift for cracking good space opera, and that Williams possesses in full measure.

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